Vacationing is an important part of our lives. It gives us a chance to relax and enjoy ourselves, but it’s also important not to do anything that could hurt your health or make you feel worse about yourself. Here are ten things I’ve learned from experience:
1. Do : Have a list of To-Dos ready for your trip
Keep it simple and don’t over plan, especially if you’re going on a short trip. You should be able to make changes as needed, but at least have some ideas in mind so you know what’s expected of you when the time comes.
2. Don’t : Leave without a phone charger

If you don’t have one, you can find one for cheap at your local electronics store or online. It’s important to remember that most travel adapters only work with certain countries and may not work with your phone if it has a different voltage from theirs (like in Europe). You should also keep in mind that some outlets are higher than others so if you’re traveling through an area where there are no high-powered outlets available, then having an extra power bank will come in handy!
3. Do : Have your medical prescriptions ready in advance
Do have your medical prescriptions ready in advance, Make sure you have enough medication
Have a copy of your prescriptions with you. This is especially important if traveling to an area where there are no pharmacies or if the medications need to be refrigerated. You may also want to bring extra medications, just in case one runs out before your trip ends.
4. Don’t : Forget to pack first aid supplies
Don’t forget to pack first aid supplies. Having a list of To-Dos and medical prescriptions ready will ensure that you don’t miss any important appointments or meetings outside of your home country, so make sure to keep them in one place! And don’t forget about packing first aid supplies such as band-aids or splints just in case something happens while you are away from home (something we know all too well.
5. Do : Make sure you have a plan for transportation and accommodation

Airport transfers are an important part of your travel experience, so make sure you book them well in advance. You’ll want to get the most out of your time on vacation if you’re going to be stuck in traffic or trying to find parking at the airport. If possible, try and book an airport transfer before leaving home so that it’s already done by the time you arrive at the airport itself!
Where should I stay? This one can be tricky because sometimes people don’t know what exactly is “the best” place for them until they get there—but being prepared with some options may help avoid any unpleasant surprises later down the road (or even during). When choosing where exactly you will be staying during your trip, keep these things in mind: price range; location (city vs beach); amenities provided; quality/cleanliness etc. If you are planning to travel in Denver, make sure you look for the best breakfast in Denver. This guide on Family Destinations will help you you can have the best meals.
6. Don’t : Be afraid to try local food wherever you go
Don’t be afraid to try local food wherever you go. But make sure you are not allergic to it or don’t eat food that is not prepared properly or safely for consumption.
7. Do : Spend within your budget
If you have a budget and stick to it, it will help prevent overspending on vacation. This is especially important if you have children who are still in school or need help paying for their own vacations.
8. Don’t : Be afraid to immerse yourself in the local culture
The best way to enjoy your vacation is by getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things. You may have seen a lot of television shows about traveling abroad, but you shouldn’t let that stop you from going on an adventure! The world is full of magic, and it’s up to us as travelers to discover it for ourselves. The more we learn about other people’s cultures, the better prepared we will be when we return home again (or wherever else our travels take us).
While traveling abroad should never feel like work or an obligation—it should always be fun—there are some things that are worth knowing before embarking on any trip.
9. Do : Subscribe to a VPN for your security

A virtual private network (VPN) is an encrypted tunnel that connects you to the internet using an intermediary server. It encrypts all your data and provides security, privacy, and anonymity over the internet. You can use it to access geo-restricted content, protect your data from hackers, hide your IP address when you’re browsing online anonymously and even download torrents without worrying about being tracked down by copyright holders or authorities. Let’s say you are in Australia, but don’t want to miss out on your favorite shows Hulu, which is only restricted to the US. You can connect to a US server with the help of VPN and binge-watch Hulu in Australia wherever and whenever you want.
10. Don’t : Exclude local customs
You may not like some of the customs, but you should try to understand them and follow what they ask of you, even if it’s out of your comfort zone. It’s important that you keep in mind that your host country isn’t just another tourist destination where all the people are wearing Hawaiian shirts and drinking Mai Tais all day long (though maybe they are). Every country has its own culture, traditions, foods and trends—and if you want a truly authentic experience while traveling abroad then it’s crucial that you learn about them!
The best way to go on vacation is to be prepared. Take care of the things that you must do! And avoid things that you don’t have to.