Nowadays, many of us find out what’s happening in our distant friends’ and family’s lives through social media.
But while Facebook and Instagram are great for checking out your friends’ vacation photos or seeing how much your cousin’s baby has grown since you last saw them, it isn’t the place to let those close to you learn about big life changes. Social media now is more about getting information rather than connecting with people. When we scroll through the newsfeed, we come across a number of posts. The wall is filled with the latest happenings, community group updates, articles from your interests, and advertisements.
Announcing about your big day on the internet does not make it extra special. It takes out the uniqueness of the message. It loses the personal touch as we are confined to their set regulations. Your invitation or celebration message has to be something that touches the heart of your loved ones. It should make them feel special and that they have a special place in your life.
Instead of posting about the day on social media, make it more personalized. Keep reading to learn a few tips to subtly reveal life’s big events to make them even more special.
1. Resist the Urge to Announce Your News on Social Media

One of the most important things to remember when you want to subtly announce a major life change is to keep the details off social media. We know it could be difficult to resist the excitement, but beautiful things require patience.
For instance, if you just got engaged but want to let family and friends know in a special, subtle way, resist the urge to immediately post the news on Facebook or Instagram. Instead, keep the details to yourself for the time being.
The problem with social media is that word spreads fast. With more than 3 billion users on Facebook alone, it’s no surprise that anything you post can be seen by thousands of people. No matter how tight your virtual friend list is, you can’t guarantee that news won’t get beyond your immediate friends and family who you’ve chosen to alert.
With so many things going around your life, getting a weird comment on the post from an acquaintance could take the joy out of your celebration. It may not bother you much but may hurt the feelings of your family members or your partner. So, it’s wise to stay out of social media.
Plus, it isn’t just the big news you might want to keep off social media. If you’re planning an intimate wedding or want to keep the details of your big day a surprise for your guests, avoid posting pictures or information about the prep work in the lead-up. That way, your guests will be surprised — and news about your wedding will be less likely to spread beyond your guest list.
Additionally, social media is not reliable when it comes to privacy. We have seen incidents of a data breach in the previous years, and the changing guidelines raise uncertainties on the pictures we post. It’s best to limit the sharing and reach out to our close ones personally.
2. Send a Save-the-Date

Want to make your engagement a big surprise? Then follow the tip above and avoid posting about it on social media. Instead, get to work right away on sending out save-the-dates.
Indeed, save-the-date cards are a fun way to let your extended family and distant friends learn about your big news. Available in several designs and printing options, save the date cards allow you to deliver the good news in a unique way. You can choose from different templates, sizes, and paper styles. You can even customize the card with your photos and messages. Plus, the calligraphy will make it stand out from other invitations your friends may have got. Click here for more details.
Not to mention, anyone whom you won’t be able to tell in person will be surprised when it arrives in their mailbox. When your friend receives a beautifully crafted invitation card addressed to them, they will surely feel extra special and take out the time to attend the big day.
Of course, you can even take this trend one step further with your actual wedding details. Rather than spreading the word of where you’ll be tying the knot or what the theme of your big day will be, keep the information off the internet and instead let your guests know in your wedding invitation.
3. Make It a Point to Share the News In Person

If you want to make sharing the news about a big change or event in your life even more special, then save the news for when you can tell friends and family face to face.
Face-to-face communication, especially about important life matters, helps to strengthen relationships and lets you use body language to showcase your excitement and happiness. The feeling of sharing news when you are all together makes it even more exciting. You can see the reaction on their faces and even capture a video as a memory. The beauty of personal touch is inexpressible.
If you can’t physically be in the same place, you can still have that special face-to-face talk with the help of a video call. Before you shoot a text to your old friend who lives a few states away to let her know you’re engaged or call your great aunt to tell her about your teen’s upcoming high school graduation, consider visiting in person or asking them to hop on a video call with you.
Subtly Revealing Big Life Changes
If you want to make sharing important life changes with family and friends even more special, know that these tips can help in a big way. Sharing your news face to face, utilizing save-the-dates, and keeping the news off social media are all great ways to subtly reveal your excitement with those you love. It shows care, compassion, and warmth and that they have a special place in your heart.