
Things Not to Do After Dysport


What is the secret of successful cosmetic treatments? How do you see prominent results without putting yourself at risk? The truth is, such procedures as Dysport treatments are quite helpful when it comes to facial wrinkles prevention and reduction, but it’s crucial to follow the proper administration techniques to ensure the effect turns out as good as expected. Plus, following the correct aftercare routine is also required to have the complete formula for an efficient facial rejuvenation. Just like there are things to follow, some activities and actions should be eliminated to see prominent improvement quickly; by following the recommendations, preventing post-injection side effects is also real, so we’re here today to tell you all about Dysport aftercare. Follow along and find out all the secrets!

Dysport Treatment Aftercare Rules

Dysport is an injection meant to be administered into the facial muscles to pause their contractions and eliminate various age-related imperfections, such as forehead lines, crow’s feet, and other problems. It’s a botulinum toxin type A-based product, and it can only be administered by a qualified medical professional with a perfect knowledge of target muscles. That’s also a reason why you must have a valid license to buy Dysport wholesale to use in the clinic for medical or cosmetic purposes.

Just like certain rules must be followed before and during the Dysport procedure, there are aftercare tips and tricks that may minimize the risks of adverse reactions, provide faster skin improvement, and ensure people achieve desired aesthetic goals after the injection session. Here are a few points we recommend to remember:

  • Gently apply ice to the administration spot to reduce swelling and redness around the target zone. It’s better to wrap it into a piece of cloth to make the feeling softer;
  • Create a proper skincare routine to ensure all the products you use are safe, compatible with your skin type, and won’t cause irritation after the session. Talk to a doctor if you’re not sure about the right items;
  • Sleep on your back to ensure the product won’t migrate to neighboring areas. Investing in a special pillow that helps fix the neck in one place and eliminates one’s movement during sleep may be a good idea.

What Not to Do After Dysport Injections?


If you plan on scheduling regular and continued treatments with Dysport, you should also know things to avoid. The rules are suitable for Botox, Dysport, and any other cosmetic injectable for wrinkle reduction. Indeed, these pieces of advice vary based on one’s needs, body and skin peculiarities, and other essential factors, so consider mentioning any of your concerns to your doctor.

Here are our recommendations for things to avoid after Dysport injections:

  • Avoid high temperatures to reduce the chances of increased blood flow and extreme swelling and bruising for at least a day or two. It includes saunas, hot showers or bathtubs, solariums, and others;
  • Avoid strenuous exercise to eliminate the risk of accidental Dysport migration and facial numbing. Pause your facial exercises, don’t massage the target areas, and try staying calm for a few days;
  • Avoid wearing makeup to let the micro-wounds from the needle puncture heal and prevent skin infections that may occur because of makeup;
  • Avoid alcohol for a few days, as it has blood-thinning abilities and can worsen adverse reactions and cause bleeding;
  • Don’t forget about the protection from harmful UV rays, and avoid sun exposure to protect sensitive skin. Always use sunscreen, don’t go outside during peak sun hours, and wear a hat to shade your face.

Risks and Warnings


As with any cosmetic procedure, certain risks should be considered before the treatment to understand how the recovery would go. First of all, people should always search for a highly-trained cosmetic dermatologist to perform a procedure to eliminate the chances of misinjection. However, side effects can still occur even if the treatment is performed correctly. The most common symptoms include:

  • Skin irritation;
  • Headache;
  • Increased skin sensitivity.

A doctor must be informed about allergies, bleeding, facial numbness, and other more severe adverse reactions.


The Bottom Line: Dysport Injection Aftercare

Post-treatment rules are essential for such products as Dysport because, even though the treatment is minimally invasive, it still includes the needle puncture and accommodating process for the body. Following proper pre-treatment instructions, as well as pampering the skin well after the administration session, lets people reduce the chances of complications, see prominent effects faster, and achieve more natural-looking results in the end. Eliminating the chances of Dysport migration is one of the main things people should concentrate on; it can be done by minimizing facial rubbing, avoiding unwanted pressure, eliminating visits to places with high temperatures, etc. All the recommendations can be discussed with a medical professional to prevent misunderstandings and misleading instructions. Hopefully, this article was a nice reminder of all the vital tips and tricks so you can plan a better aftercare routine and have a nicer experience with Dysport for the facial skin.

Written by Kan Dail