
Are You Really in Good Health? An in-depth Look at Commonly Overlooked Women’s Health Issues


There’s no denying that the daily life of a woman is strenuous. Between taking care of families, sustaining relationships, and managing a career, finding the time to care for yourself is often limited or obsolete. It’s no wonder many women’s health issues aren’t addressed until they become unbearable or severe. While certain conditions dominate public discourse, a myriad of health concerns affecting women silently persist, unnoticed and underreported. Although things may appear fine on the surface, the truth is you may not be as healthy as you imagined.

Common Reasons Women’s Health Goes Unaddressed

Several factors contribute to the underaddressed nature of these concerns, creating a complex tapestry that obscures their visibility and delays timely intervention.

Normalization of Discomfort:

One prominent reason for the oversight of women’s health issues is the normalization of certain symptoms. Conditions like endometriosis, characterized by pelvic pain, are frequently brushed off as part of the routine discomfort associated with menstruation. The societal tendency to downplay such discomfort contributes to the delay in seeking medical attention.

Stigma and Silence:

Stigma surrounding reproductive health and intimate matters often shrouds conditions like pelvic floor dysfunction or disorders affecting sexual health. The hesitation to openly discuss these issues creates a culture of silence, preventing women from seeking help or sharing their experiences, further perpetuating the cycle of underrecognition.

Lack of Comprehensive Education:


Limited education and awareness about specific women’s health issues also play a pivotal role in their underdiagnosis. Many women may not be familiar with the symptoms or might misattribute them to stress or common hormonal fluctuations, leading to delayed recognition and treatment. It’s also common for women to be unaware of discreet and effective solutions like at-home tests or telehealth appointments, and treatments like non-invasive laser surgeries or receiving STD medication online.

Multifaceted Nature of Symptoms:

The multifaceted nature of symptoms associated with these health issues adds another layer of complexity. Conditions like PCOS manifest in a range of symptoms that can easily be dismissed or attributed to other causes. The lack of a clear and distinct set of symptoms makes it challenging for both women and healthcare professionals to pinpoint the underlying issue.

Routine Healthcare Gaps:

In some cases, routine healthcare visits may not include comprehensive screenings for certain conditions. Regular check-ups may focus on more common health concerns, overlooking the specific screenings needed for conditions like thyroid disorders or iron deficiency anemia. This gap in routine healthcare contributes to the underdiagnosis of these silent health issues.

Societal Expectations and Pressures:

Societal expectations and pressures on women to fulfill multiple roles—be it as caregivers, professionals, or homemakers—can lead to neglecting personal health. The persistent belief that prioritizing one’s health is a luxury rather than a necessity can result in women postponing or ignoring symptoms until they become more severe.

Access to Healthcare:

Disparities in access to healthcare services, particularly for certain demographics, contribute significantly to the underaddressed nature of women’s health issues. Limited access to regular check-ups, screenings, and specialized care can impede the early detection and management of these conditions.

Conditions You Shouldn’t Ignore


Now that you understand why many women’s health issues go unaddressed, let’s take a look at some of the most common conditions you shouldn’t overlook:

Endometriosis – The Stealthy Pain

Endometriosis, a gynecological condition affecting the reproductive system, is a prime example of a health issue that often goes undetected. Characterized by the abnormal growth of tissue outside the uterus, endometriosis can lead to excruciating pelvic pain.

The symptoms, ranging from severe menstrual cramps to pain during intercourse and fertility challenges, are often dismissed as normal discomfort, resulting in delayed diagnosis and treatment.

To address endometriosis, it’s crucial to consult a gynecologist for a thorough evaluation, explore pain management techniques, and consider surgical options if necessary.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – Hormonal Harmony Disrupted

PCOS is another stealthy adversary, disrupting hormonal balance and affecting a significant number of women.

Its array of symptoms, including irregular periods, acne, weight gain, and mood swings, often get mistaken for stress or other hormonal fluctuations.

To manage PCOS effectively, adopting a holistic approach is essential. This involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, adhering to a balanced diet, and considering medications prescribed by a healthcare professional to regulate hormonal imbalances.

Thyroid Disorders – The Metabolic Maze

Thyroid disorders, encompassing conditions like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, are prevalent among women but frequently escape early detection.

The symptoms, such as fatigue, weight changes, and mood swings, are often attributed to various factors, leading to delayed diagnosis and intervention.

Regular thyroid screenings and comprehensive blood tests can help identify these conditions early, enabling timely management. Treatment options may include medications, lifestyle changes, and close monitoring of thyroid function.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction – The Core Connection


The pelvic floor, a complex network of muscles crucial for bladder and bowel control, is susceptible to dysfunction that often goes unnoticed.

This silent issue manifests in symptoms like pelvic pain, pain during sex, and a frequent need to urinate. Despite its prevalence, pelvic floor dysfunction is seldom discussed openly.

Addressing this concern involves incorporating targeted exercises, such as Kegel exercises, seeking pelvic floor physical therapy, and maintaining a healthy weight to alleviate symptoms and improve overall pelvic health.

Iron Deficiency Anemia – The Silent Drainer

Iron deficiency anemia, a widespread health issue affecting women, often goes under the radar due to symptoms being attributed to a busy lifestyle.

The consequences, including fatigue, weakness, and pale skin, can significantly impact daily life.

Combating iron deficiency anemia requires a multifaceted approach. This includes incorporating iron-rich foods into the diet, considering iron supplements under medical supervision, and identifying and addressing the underlying causes of iron depletion for sustained improvement.

It’s apparent that many issues, though prevalent, remain concealed in the shadows of under recognition. By raising awareness, fostering a deeper understanding of symptoms, and promoting proactive measures, women can take charge of their health journeys. It is imperative to break the silence surrounding these overlooked health concerns, ensuring that no woman’s well-being goes unnoticed or untreated. Together, let us embark on a journey of empowerment, advocating for comprehensive health awareness and personalized care for every woman.

Written by Kan Dail